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Confirmation is the sacrament by which we are nourished and strengthened in the grace of God and sealed with the gift of His Holy Spirit as “soldiers for Christ.”

It is a deepening of one’s roots in the divine affirming of one’s unity with Christ. Confirmandi receive an increase of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, a strengthening of one’s bond with the Church, and a closer association with her mission. Special strength is given of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the Faith by word and action as a true witnesses of Christ, to confess the name of Christ boldly, and to never be ashamed of the Cross. As St. Augustine observed, the significance of the sacrament is manifested according to Our Lord’s command to those Apostles who had already been baptized: “…you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49).


Confirmation Preparation

This sacrament is open to all baptized Catholics and is a 2-year preparation to all who are 12 years of age (or in the seventh grade) or older in our Religious Education Program. 

For more information or to begin this sacramental preparation process, please contact Barbara Sanna or Carlos Rodas (for Spanish) at , 609-695-6089 x107. 



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