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The Sanctuary Guild at Saint Joachim Church of Our Lady of the Angels Parish invites all young ladies and women of our community to be part of this beautiful group. Founded in 1955, each of its members seeks to acquire a broader knowledge of the Catholic faith and the sacred liturgy. This will lead us to ensure the care of our temple, as well as living our baptism in a more active and committed way to the Church. The Sanctuary Guild provides and maintains the sacred cloths, flowers, priestly ornaments, and more to ensure that the celebration of the Holy Eucharist is with dignity and without flaw. During the years of service and dedication to our parish, we graciously received the support of many parishioners who have generously given their time and financial support to maintain this extraordinary mission. Today, more than ever, we urge the women of our Parish community to actively participate in this mission. We only ask that you give us an hour and a half of your time every five weeks. If you would like more information, please contact us via email. God bless you and our parish family.


Maria Amantia  - President


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