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The administration of Holy Communion during Mass is truly a ministry. It is the ministry of bringing the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ to the People of God. It is also the ministry of being a witness to the Catholic faith in the real presence of Christ in the action of sharing in the Eucharistic meal of Christ’s sacrifice. The ministry of the Eucharist should, therefore, be treated with utmost dignity and reverence.
Baptized and Confirmed Catholics, fifteen years of age or older, are eligible for this ministry. They should be persons who sincerely try to live the Gospel message in their communal and individual lives. They should faithfully participate in the Sunday Eucharist and with God’s grace strive to live their faith in every aspect of their lives.
Candidates for the ministry of Holy Communion will be be properly trained before they are commissioned for service in the parish.
For more information on how to join the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, please contact:
Mr. Alberto Ramirez